Full-stack IT solutions

At CRS we believe in the power of multidisciplinair IT professionals, people who oversee - and understand - the complete picture. While having a specialist for a certain field can be highly valuable and many times important for the succes of a product/project, specialists tend to suffer from tunnel vision and will prioritize their specialized field above most other subjects.

Another example is a small-to-medium-sized project with a broad scope. Typical these projects are either too small to facilitate the professionals of the disciplines involved, or too roughly defined to select the correct professional(s) for the task.

Both these examples are very common and call for full-stack it personel: people who, by planning their next step ahead, are leading the way and pave the roads between the distinct disciplines of the workforce.


DevOps, Sysadmin; Managing machines.

Sysadmins in traditional IT departments do not follow development and engineering responsibilities. Most modern organizations following Agile and DevOps ITSM frameworks use automation tools, infrastructure automation, and Infrastructure as a Code practices to operate IT systems.

These technology solutions and practices have transformed the way infrastructure is managed and provisioned. Therefore, strong background in computer science and programming is essential for sysadmins to succeed.

Where most(conservative) partners struggle CRS strives due to the full-stack ideology and extensive knowledge of software development, networking & automation we are fully up to speed with the latest sysadmin & infratructure knowledge


Network Infrastructure Management To Keep Your Business Moving

Managing the hardware and software that enable the connections, communications, and operations within your IT environment is what Network Infrastructure Management is all about. Automation-first to guarantee maximum stability and minimize the human error factor.

Our network management experts focus on getting your information packets where they need to go as quickly as possible. We fix things when they break, but more importantly, we take proactive actions to keep things from breaking in the first place.


Time to use the infrastructure

We have extensive experience in developing solutions for administration, HRM, inventory management, production and other (essential) applications. Often with extensive integrations with external (provisioning) systems.

Due to our years of experience in the field of software development and knowledge of the industries in which we operate, we are able to quickly analyze complex problems and determine which software solution can give the best interpretation.

Ready for takeoff?

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